Scatter Plots with ggplot() in R

We can create great scatter plots easily in R with ggplot() and geom_point(). I've downloaded climate data for my hometown from the US NOAA and we'll use that to make a scatter plot showing temperature over time. You can get a copy of the data here if you want to follow along. Here's what it will look like when we're finished:

First, load up the tidyverse and readr libraries in R:


Second, import data from the temperature.csv file with read_csv():

    temperature <- read_csv(
        col_types = cols(DATE = col_date(format = "%m/%d/%Y"))

This assumes that the temperature.csv file is in your working directory. Finally, pipe the temperature data frame into ggplot() and add a geom_point() layer:

    temperature %>% 
        ggplot(aes(DATE, TMAX)) + 

That produces a basic scatter plot using our temperature data. Here’s how it looks at the moment:

Basic ggplot() scatter plot

We wouldn’t want to put this in a report though - the axis aren’t labelled nicely, there’s no title, no caption, and we can make the points look better. Adding some formatting and labelling information goes a long way - let’s add those now:

temperature %>% 
    ggplot(aes(DATE, TMAX)) +
    geom_point(alpha = 0.5, size = 3) +
        x = "Date", 
        y = "Temp (F)", 
        title = "Spokane, WA Maximum Daily Temperature",
        caption = "Your awesome caption here"

Now we have a scatter plot we can feel good about sharing around. The size option in geom_point() makes the dots a bit bigger so they’re easier to see, while the alpha option adds some transparency. Better labels on the X-axis and Y-axis make the visualization easier to consume, and the title and caption are professional touches.

I hope this was helpful for folks building scatter plots in R. Please let me know what you think!

Tyler Hart

Tyler Hart is a networking and security professional who started working in technology in 2002 with the US DoD and moved to the private sector in 2010. He holds a Business degree in IT Management, as well as the CISSP certification and others from Microsoft, CompTIA, Cisco, (ISC)2, Tenable Network Security, and more. For over 15 years he has worked and consulted with large and small organizations including hospitals and clinics, ISPs and WISPs, U.S. Defense organizations, and state and county governments.

Scatter Plots in Power BI


Rolling Dice with R